Frequency hacking

Having experienced anxiety and depression extensively before my 20’s, I have since dedicated my life to understanding mental and physical wellness. I have studied the science behind happiness and frequency plays a big part in this. The best part is, we can adjust our frequency to bring ourselves back into balance.

An oversimplified explanation of frequency - When looking at any object under a microscope we see cells. Everything is made of cells and cells vibrate at a certain frequency. This frequency can change, and for us humans, very simply put, if we spend time thinking / worrying about the future, we become anxious, our cells vibrate at a higher frequency. If we spend time thinking about the past, we can become depressed and our cells vibrate at a lower frequency. There is an optimum frequency that puts us in a state of emotional contentment and physical healing, this is around 7-14 hz. We can use different techniques to create this frequency so that our body can re-align. I find the easiest way to understand this process, is by looking at Newton’s Cradle – our cells synchronise with the surround frequency, which is why we feel differently when listening to certain music, our cells synchronise to the frequency of the song. Similarly our cells frequency will sychronise with the energy around us in terms of people, hence why when we spend time with low energy people we feel lower energy and high energy with high energy people, we synchronise. So we can raise or lower our frequency to bring us into the frequency we want. Some techniques which use this in the world of yoga and wellness include

Sound Baths – In a sound bath, the instruments played are designed to play between 7-14 hz, the frequency which helps us heal physically and mentally. So, as you lay in the room surrounded by sound at that frequency, your body begins to synchronise, without you having to do anything. Plus, it’s a truly lovely way to spend an evening, resting in beautiful sound.

Chanting – works in the same way as a sound bath, but is more powerful because the sound is coming from within rather than outside in, and the chants can have powerful effects by being clear with the universe what you want (see ‘law of attraction’).

Sleep – Maybe even easier than a sound bath… our frequency also changes according to our sleep zones. Yoga Nidra meaning ‘Sleep’ in Sanskrit uses sleep zones to helps us heal, a very specific style of guided meditation keeps you just between being awake and being asleep (hypnogogic state), which is the frequency 7-14 hz where we are most able to heal. This specific style of meditation is also designed to guide your attention to sensations in your body (messages from your body asking your to listen) so you can learn what emotions are present and so what you need to bring yourself back into balance. The paradox of yoga Nidra is that is looks like sleeping, is uses sleep zones, but it’s goal is an awakening.

Yoga poses - Movement changes our frequency, so moving our body faster or slower can raise or lower our frequency. A good yoga sequence is designed to realign your body, physically and chemically. Each pose unblocks energy in a different area of your body. By unblocking energy means your energy can flow freely so you feel energised rather than stuck. See Chakras to learn more about this.

Aromatherapy oils, crystals, talk therapy, massage and lots more, can also be used to adjust frequency. There really is a science behind all of these wellness techniques. They are not new age, they have been tried and tested for thousands of years.


Ayurveda, a life science


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